10 mai 2006


Comme je vous l'avais promis hier, voici un détail de la façade de l'Aître Saint-Maclou du post d'hier. Toute la façade est en effet ornée de sculptures de crânes, de tibias et divers outils de fossoyeurs.

As I promised you yesterday, here are the details of the building façade of Aitre Saint-Maclou. All the façade is recovered by sculptures of skulls, bones and gravedigger tools.

10 commentaires:

stéphanie et arnaud a dit…

Effectivement, c'est pas très réjouissant comme endroit... Ceci dit ca doit être très interressant a voir! Tu as d'autres photos de ces sculptures?

Nicola a dit…

Spooky detail... :)

Brian Dubé a dit…

That is amazing!

Mark a dit…

Wow, Love it!!

Lisi a dit…

this is so unique...must be fun to photograph this.

Wilf James a dit…

Many years ago, at least 25, we used to get the ferry from Newhaven to Dieppe and spend a week in Rouen. In was always in the month of February and always cold! Not that is was any warmer in Brighton where we then lived.

I think I still have some B&W photos of l'Aître Saint-Maclou but the trees look a bit bigger, but i suppose they would after 25 years. It is nice to see your photo blog and it brings back some fond memories.

Anna a dit…

Thanks for all your comments.

Arnaud : je vais en faire d'autres mais lorsque le soleil sera au rendez vous...
il fait encore gris chez nous hélas!

Cynthia Quiros a dit…

Lovely, and I mean it, disregarding the spooky context I find it really very pretty!

mactoryx a dit…

Great! Please more like this.

Anonyme a dit…

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.