20 avril 2006

L'église de la Madeleine

Voici l'église de la Madeleine, près de la Préfecture. Cette église était en fait jadis la chapelle de l'ancien Hôtel-Dieu, aujourd'hui disparu. L'Hôtel-Dieu était à l'origine un grand hôpital à l'extérieur des murs de la ville où étaient regroupés en 1650 les pestiférés. Bien des années plus tard, Gustave Flaubert naquit ici, son père était chirurgien dans cet hopital. Depuis 1993, le bâtiment accueille la Préfecture et il ne reste plus qu'un Musée de la Médecine dans une des ailes du bâtiment.

Here is the "Madeleine Chuch", near the Prefecture of Rouen. This church was in the past the chapel of the "Hôtel-Dieu". "Hôtel-Dieu" was an hospital where people who had the plague were had treatment in 1650. A long time after, the writer Gustave Flaubert was borned in this hospital (his father was a surgeon). Since 1993, the hospital has disappeared and it's the Prefecture which is here. There is only a Museum about Medecine in one of the building.

2 commentaires:

Nicola a dit…

Quite an interesting history of the church. Btw, I've noticed there is a typo in the link to the Rheingau (yours says Reinghau)...

Kelley a dit…

I have been enjoying your blog since I 'found' you on the Paris Daily Photo site.
I have a few questions though...my mother, daughter and I will be in France for the month of June and Rouen is one of our favorite places to visit.
And because of your blog we now realize that there is a cemetery...so my question(finally) is...is it an easy walk from downtown? And is the area that you walk through a relatively safe one?

My mom loves to take cemetery pictures like you do!
I loved your petit ange and the lavender cross. BEAUTIFUL!
thanks so much,